
The application has 3 solutions that are important to the function of STAR. I am using the solution files, STAR_L4_PROD_** which should be identical across all STAR_L1_, STAR_L2_, STAR_L3_* where the prod should be the closest to the original application.


Following is the GUI / interface which is a Windows Forms application. Much of the UI/UX


This is where the GUI interfaces with the database through EntityFrameworks + Linq. Much of the communication between the GUI and the database can be deciphered from the following file.


The database layer is a SQL SERVER project that holds all the stored procedures, views, and table specs to recreate what is currently in the database that STAR 1.0 uses to store all of its information.

So just to make it applicable, the question that Don posed:

For example: https://otherleft.atlassian.net/browse/BSS-110

The below screen from Figma for this task has fields for Tire Audit, Influence, Type, Location, and EWS Grouping. The documentation does not tell us what goes in these fields, where we get the field information, or what happens once it is all filled in and run. We need a technical design document with all of this information. The next screen shows what the result should be, but we have nothing that says how to create that result. This is true for all the screens.

Unfortunately the screen aren’t named exactly the same thing but in the case of this but the frmViewExtractionDefinition.cs file we find the identical screens but named a little differently.

CleanShot 2022-11-07 at 14.10.54.png

Star 1.0 Extraction Main Page


Star 2.0 Extraction Statistics Wireframe

So when looking into the code by searching the entire solution, I found that this form fit the page requirements (frmViewExtractionDefinition.cs). When looking at the documents the frmViewExtractionDefinition_Load function which gives us the link back to the Middle Tier data layer.